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Books and DVD

Burke & Hare by Owen Dudley Edwards

At Christmastide, 1827, in a boarding house in Edinburgh's West Port, an old army pensioner dies of natural causes. He owes the landlord £4 rent. Instead of burying the body, the landlord, William Hare, and his friend William Burke fill the coffin with bark and sell the corpse to Dr Robert Knox, an ambitious anatomist. They make a profit of £3.10s.

After this encouraging outcome, Burke and Hare decide to suffocate another sickly tenant. So begins the criminal career of the most notorious double act in the history of serial murder.


Edinburgh: 10 Walks in the Historic Old Town

The Old Town is the historic heart of Edinburgh ... and of Scotland. This fascinating book explains why it is so important to Scottish history and includes everything you will need to explore the world-famous Royal Mile and the ancient closes and wynds that run off it.

In full colour throughout, the book has detailed maps, 250 photographs and illustrations, hundreds of historical vignettes, in-depth sections on people and places, and, in addition, supplementary sections on both Edinburgh castle and Holyrood palace.


Edinburgh's Historic Mile

An eminently readable guidebook, Edinburgh's Historic Mile is the perfect companion for exploring the rich and diverse wonders of Edinburgh's royal Mile. Informal and informative, witty and authoritative, here is an extravagant procession of all the tragedy and eccentricity in the history of Scotland's most famous street - from the sexy cannon of Edinburgh Castle, through the story of the Heart of Midlothian outside St Giles' Cathedral, all the way down to 17th century photocopying at Holyrood Palace.


Edinburgh For Everyone

Edinburgh for Everyone is the Edinburgh history book that's both funny and amusing but also written in a way that is easy to understand for everyone.

Where else can you learn about all of Edinburgh's history but still find out fun facts such as: the King who made a boy learn to talk like a seagull; the social network of Bonnie Prince Charlie; and a break-dancing philosopher?

Which other history book can teach an Edinburgh local about the history of their city, yet also can allow a language learner to practise their grammar?


What Time Does Edinburgh's One O'clock Gun Fire?

What Time Does Edinburgh's One O'Clock Gun Fire? is a charming book mixing the rich history of the One O'Clock Gun with a bountiful selection of amusing Castle anecdotes. The firing of the One O'Clock Gun has been a recognised custom in Edinburgh since 1861, startling millions of visitors to Scotland's capital. The time gun is fired daily from the Mills Mount Battery of Edinburgh Castle at 1300 hours precisely, except on Sundays, Christmas Day and Good Friday.

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