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The Loretto Lecture

By Alexander Clapperton, January 2, 2017 - 3:34pm
Robin Mitchell as Adam Lyal (deceased)

You are invited to the next Loretto Lecture at The Painted Gallery, Pinkie House, Loretto School, Musselburgh on Wednesday 8th March 2017 at 7pm.

Our co-founder and the original Adam Lyal (deceased), Robin Mitchell, will chat about his 33 years as a 'ghost' on our evening walking tours. Robin co-founded the company in 1984 and has developed the business from walking tours to publishing books, producing films and writing plays.

Robin's lecture will explore how The Cadies & Witchery Tours has developed over three decades. He plans to blend historical tales from the capital's Old Town with an array of anecdotes associated with his time wandering the streets of old Edinburgh.

The lecture will take place at The Painted Gallery in the historic Pinkie House which dates from the 16th century. The Painted Gallery is noted for its framed emblems and inscriptions. In 1951 Pinkie House was bought by Loretto School and later altered with the addition of two other buildings in the grounds.

Pinkie House is said to be haunted (which old house doesn't have a ghost?). The spirit is reputedly that of Alexander Seton's first wife, Lilias Drummond, who has been sighted roaming the house as a 'Green Lady', sometimes accompanied by a child. It is believed that her appearance represents bad luck. If this is true, it's to be hoped that Robin doesn't meet her on the night of the Loretto Lecture!

Free places for the Loretto Lecture are restricted, allocated on a first come, first served basis. Places must be reserved in advance by contacting Mr Jonathan Hewat, Director of Communications, Loretto School, via email - jhewat@loretto.com.
