They say old ghosts never die; they just fade away. Actually it's more a case of their ectoplasmic bodies wearing a bit thin and threadbare, at which point it's time for me to wistfully throw them over the hedge at the bottom of the garden, and begin the process of replacing them.
Yes, we're hiring again! Anyone who has had the "pleasure" of meeting one of our famous Jumper-Ooters up a dark Old Town alleyway in the dead of night will know that they are a singular breed: fearsome, implacable... and a bit silly at times.
Could this be you?
If you would like to spend some of your evenings lurking up closes, terrifying (and entertaining) unsuspecting visitors and locals alike, and bewildering passers-by, then maybe - just maybe - your place is here, in my basement.
My truly devilish Post-Human Resources minions have compiled the following précis of the position, including full details of how to apply. Perhaps I will be seeing you soon ... (Don't forget to buff your shoes.)
Lively spirits required!
Duties include dressing up in historical costumes and scaring the life out of locals and visitors.
No previous experience required as full ghastly training is provided.
Person Specification
It is essential that you are able to:
- scream and roar,
- offer a minimum of 1 year's working commitment,
- are available to work over summer.
It is desirable that you are:
- reliable and flexible enough to work throughout the week,
- reasonably physically fit,
- interested in creative self-expression and being creative in general.
Further Information
There are usually two tours per shift, during early/mid evening. The position is permanent and requires part-time work during both the semester and vacation periods. Initially you will work one or two days per week, but more is required during the summer period.
Application procedures
Please supply a basic CV and brief covering letter by email, post or in person. Please specify you specify that you saw this job on witcherytours.com
Applications should be sent to jobs.2015@witcherytours.com, or by post or in person to The Cadies & Witchery Tours, 84 West Bow, Edinburgh, EH1 2HH.