It's now just over four months since our great big revamp of this very website, and the ghosts have just about gotten the hang of using it by now. Our much-expanded collection of goodies are flying off the virtual shelves, and our Byzantine Booking System is leading more brave souls than ever down the dark path that leads to a Witchery Tour.
However, as all our phantoms know very well, the Devil laughs when we make plans! There are always a few gremlins stowing away in a new website, of course, and my Quality Control team have had to squash a couple of the naughty little blighters in our quest for perfection. They must have sneaked in while we were out terrifying tourists; we really must sack the guard-dog...
It's as amazing as it is predictable that you can test everything to breaking-point before letting the public loose upon it, yet only once the world's eyes are upon them do many bugs, gremlins and knackered calendar-widgets reveal themselves.
So it is that often our audience are aware of our failings before we are; this is simply a webmaster's cross to bear, and an application of Murphy's law.
Many people, we suppose, simply give up in disappointment and go elsewhere when their web experience doesn't live up to their expectations. We are very lucky, then, that some of our frightful fans are determined enough to alert us to problems when they find them.
It might not sound like much, but we can only squash the bugs we know about; and even then, the solution may not be obvious from looking at the symptoms. The unique perspective of the unfortunate victim visitor is all-important.
That's why we say a HUGE thank-you to those kindly souls who have spared a little time to inform us about problems they've experienced, and even a bit more to answer the Web Team's sometimes bizarre questions in trying to diagnose the issue. ("I know it might not seem important, but were you standing on one leg at the time?")
If that applies to you, you know who you are; and you're a star. (A mon-star! heeheehee. --Ed.)
So remember: if you've spotted a bug, gremlin, or just something that doesn't work the way you expected, we'd love to hear from you.