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WitcheryTours.com Version 3.0: A New Day at Midnight

By Web Monster, September 30, 2014 - 11:59pm

Every few years (seven, in this case) we feel like a bit of a spring-clean. That extends even to our online realm, so we decided to give this very website a bit of serious TLC (timid light caressing? --Ed).

This revamp also marks the end of our long partnership with Scotland's first ever web-hosting company, ScotWeb (now better-known for their successful tartan weaving empire). Nick and his techno-wizards have been keeping the wheels on witcherytours.com since its birth in the late 1990s; no mean feat with clients like us, so we extend them our thanks for a decade-and-a-half of amazing service and wish them well - not that they need our help!

The results, we hope you'll agree, are a real kick up the noughties -- and beyond, into the, er, what were we calling this decade again? Teenies? Well, anyway, that.

Among our stellar new features are:

  • Our booking system is now live updated, so we can show you exactly what our availability is - no more waiting for confirmation (usually)
  • A greatly expanded merchandise collection, also live updated
  • Updated FAQ answering the questions people actually ask these days
  • This ghoulish blog!

This fresh horror will be unveiled at midnight on Wednesday, October 1st, 2014. As we will have been keeping you, our loyal junior phantoms, locked out of the site for a couple of days beforehand so we can sort out the plumbing and have a good hoover, the anticipation will no doubt be at fever pitch! If you like it, or even if you don't, feel free to contact us and tell us what you think - we could always start over I suppose...

Oh crikey! I just noticed the time. Better go and get the doors open!
